Miróbriga Archaeological Site
The Archaeological Site of Miróbriga, located near the city of Santiago do Cacém, hosted a settlement that arose during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age (sixth to the first centuries BC) and remained until the fourth century AD. These ruins were mentioned in the sixteenth century by André Resende and are based on an elevation with defensive structures in an area of good visibility, allowing control over a vast region of territory boasting various “agricultural, marine and mining resources, as a result of which this town must have played a relatively prominent commercial role”.
In the Roman Period the site underwent considerable expansion, through the implementation of a comprehensive building programme. Thus, at that time, Miróbriga had a forum, where there stood a temple probably dedicated to the imperial cult and another dedicated to Venus. The other buildings were located around the forum and to the south stood the commercial area, which had several shops (tabernae) and an inn. The spa sits in one of the best preserved areas of Miróbriga, consisted of two buildings, one for men, and another for women, and between the first and second centuries AD, the remaining buildings appeared (the entrance area, dressing and games room and an area for cold baths – frigidarium – and another for hot baths – caldarium and tepidarium). It also features a single, round arch bridge and the pavement, consisting of limestone slabs, is still the original. The stormwater drainage system is also visible.
Approximately 1 km from the archaeological site of Miróbriga lie the ruins of the hippodrome. It measures 370 m by 75 m and was divided in half by the “spina”, having a goal at each end. The hippodrome was used for racing chariots pulled by two or four horses.
The Archaeological Site began to be excavated in 1801 under the supervision of the Bishop of Beja, D. Frei Manuel do Cenáculo, and currently has a Reception and Visitor Centre to explain the Miróbriga complex, built by the IPPAR. “The Centre has a permanent exhibition on the site, organized thematically, as well as a room for receiving groups. The route of the visit is clearly marked”. Since 1940, it has been classified as a Property of Public Interest, and it is run by the Regional Directorate of Culture of Alentejo.
Opening hours:
From Tuesday to Saturday from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Sunday from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Closed on Mondays and 1 January, Easter Sunday, 1 May and 25 December
Contact details:
+351 269818460
+351 269818461