Fornalhas Velhas – S. Domingos S. Domingos- Santiago do Cacém Santiago do Cacém – Roncão Roncão – Grândola
Salgueiral da Galiza Walking Trail
The Salgueiral da Galiza Walking Trail is worthwhile due to the quality of its habitats and the rarity of the landscape that constitutes them. It is a circular route around 1,900-m long, easy, with part on a dirt track and part on a wooden walkway. The path may be entered via a gate located next […]
Santiago do Cacém – Historical Tour – 1 day
Santiago do Cacém is a singular land: a land of history, of sincere people, of unequalled heritage and unique cuisine. Our land changes, involves and stirs our sense of self. Come… come and feel the engagement with our history: You will not leave the same person! In the morning… Start your tour in the Historic […]
Tours &Trails
MAPS Tourist Map of the Municipality of Santiago do Cacém TOUR Santiago do Cacém – Historical Tour – 1 day Santiago do Cacém – Senior Tour Santiago Way – routes through Santiago do Cacém WALKING TRAIL Salgueiral da Galiza Walking Trail Casa do Peixe Trail leaflet